Hi there and welcome!
My name is Hannah Bruner. I am a partner to my handsome best friend, Jeff, and a stepmama of two wonderful girls, Elliette and Lenni. I was an elementary school teacher for seven years and LOVED teaching. I’ve taught fifth grade, third grade, and K-5 math intervention. Now I am an instructional coach. I work in two elementary schools coaching teachers around best practices, student growth, data, and help teachers set and reach their teaching goals. In my “free time” you can find me making memories with my family, soaking in some Colorado mountain air, strolling the aisles at Target, or eating queso on a patio. And if you’re here, you can probably tell that I also write children’s books!
When we were first creating our blended family, almost five years ago, I was on a mission to find a book for my oldest stepdaughter that celebrated families of all kinds, including ours. I searched high and low. I found books about divorce, books about living in two homes, books that defined family structures, but none were what I was looking for. I wanted a book that got to the heart of what truly makes a family- not matching last names, shared DNA, paperwork, or marriage, but LOVE. Simply put, I couldn’t find what I was looking for because it just didn’t exist, so I decided to create it. My debut book, What Makes a Family?, endeavors to help readers see mirrors of their own families, discover windows into the families of others, and celebrate the common thread that connects them all.
You can follow me on Instagram here: @hannahbrunerbooks